Assignment-1 (Portofolio-1)

1. Overview

The aim of this assignment is for you to develop your research, analytical and problem-solving skills. This assignment is themed around the impact & ethics of hardware over its lifespan and working knowledge of low-level languages. Your report will cover the following subsections; Sustainability and Compilation and Code Translation.

2. Assignment description

  • Open THIS to view your assignment brief
  • Weight: 50%

3. Template:

  • You will be using a report template located on Blackboard HERE. You must stick to the format and style of the report.

4. Deadline

  • 20th of March 2024, 14:00 PM Via Turnitin

5. Formative Feedback

As the assessment is portfolio-based, a series of sessions will be held in the weeks prior to the submission deadline 20th of March 2024. These sessions are designed to provide constructive, formative feedback to enhance the quality of your work. Please refer to the module handbook for the schedule of these sessions).