Canterbury Christ Church University

Week-2: Ethics and Sustainability of Computer Hardware​

Course Code: U19952

Course Name: Fundamentals of Computer Systems

Credits: 20

Module Leader: Dr. Ali Jaddoa,PhD, MSc, BSc,FHEA,AFHEA, UCAP

Credit to Seb Blair
Fundamental of Computer Systems: U19952-2023-2024
Canterbury Christ Church University


  1. Understand the full life cycle of a computer hardware
  2. Identify the international standards for e-waste
  3. Define Planned Obsolescence
  4. Define the key issues computer hardware end-of-life
  5. Critically evaluate the environmental and social impact of e-waste

As a computer science practitioner, you need to think about those.

Fundamental of Computer Systems: U19952-2023-2024
Canterbury Christ Church University

Content Warning

The topics covered today are designed to inform, raise awareness of the impact of computer hardware. ​

However, some of the topics covered in today you may find distressing or depressing. Please do not hesitate to contact student wellbeing:

  • An online registration form​ here (If the link doesn't work (due to expiration), please use the link below, and you should be able to find another URL for the form.)

  • Virtual Drop-ins, and face-to-face drop-ins, more info

  • Email​

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Canterbury Christ Church University


  • Go to and use this code (73771825)
  • Or scan the QRCode

Fundamental of Computer Systems: U19952-2023-2024
Canterbury Christ Church University


  1. Did any item breakdown for no apparent reason?​

  2. What did you do with it?​
Fundamental of Computer Systems: U19952-2023-2024
Canterbury Christ Church University

Planned Obsolescence?

Fundamental of Computer Systems: U19952-2023-2024
Canterbury Christ Church University

Planned Obsolescence

  • ‘a policy of producing consumer goods that rapidly become obsolete and so require replacing, achieved by frequent changes in design, termination of the supply of spare parts, and the use of nondurable materials’.​
  • Capitalism
  • Sometime it could be a good thing (due to lifespan of some materiels)
Fundamental of Computer Systems: U19952-2023-2024
Canterbury Christ Church University

Play me ->: Exploring the environmental costs of the electronics industry

  • Upgrade and trade in schemes to sell it somewhere else in the world.
Fundamental of Computer Systems: U19952-2023-2024
Canterbury Christ Church University

Life Cycle of Electronics


Fundamental of Computer Systems: U19952-2023-2024
Canterbury Christ Church University
  • A total of 61.1 billion tons of metal ores, fossil energy, and non-metallic minerals are extracted from Earth a year (2020 estimate).
  • Telephones, for example, are made from as many as 42 different minerals, including aluminium, beryllium, coal, copper, gold, iron, limestone, silica, silver, talc and wollastonite.​
Fundamental of Computer Systems: U19952-2023-2024
Canterbury Christ Church University

Intergovermental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

  • To show you the impact of mass manufacturing in different ways, e.g. reports.

  • Electronics manufacturing processes utilise fluorinated compounds (FCs) for plasma etching intricate patterns, cleaning reactor chambers, and temperature control.​

  • c-C4F8, which is a compound used as cleaning agent during the manufacturing process and may also be generated during the production of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE, “Teflon”) and other fluoropolymers (Mühle et al., 2019), has increased 34% since 2011 to 1.75 ppt, although its ERF (Effective Radiative Force ) remains below 0.001 W/M2​ link

Fundamental of Computer Systems: U19952-2023-2024
Canterbury Christ Church University

Breakdown of Global E-Waste in 2020

Do these statistics surprise you?​

What information is missing that would be relevant, or provide more context?​

Fundamental of Computer Systems: U19952-2023-2024
Canterbury Christ Church University


The World Counts


Fundamental of Computer Systems: U19952-2023-2024
Canterbury Christ Church University


Now, use this tool to estimate CFP by either:

Fundamental of Computer Systems: U19952-2023-2024
Canterbury Christ Church University

Media: Softening the Reality


Does this imagery remove you from the reality of the problem?​​

Fundamental of Computer Systems: U19952-2023-2024
Canterbury Christ Church University

Contrasting worlds - discussion

  • Why do we see this disparity around the world?​

  • Are there laws governing e-waste?​

Fundamental of Computer Systems: U19952-2023-2024
Canterbury Christ Church University

E-waste toxic components and hazards


Fundamental of Computer Systems: U19952-2023-2024
Canterbury Christ Church University

E-waste Policy Worldwide

center fit

Fundamental of Computer Systems: U19952-2023-2024
Canterbury Christ Church University

UN Sustainability Goals

The SDG’s (Sustainable Development Goals) adopted by all UN Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries – developed and developing – in a global partnership​

Fundamental of Computer Systems: U19952-2023-2024
Canterbury Christ Church University

E-waste is covered by which SDGs


Fundamental of Computer Systems: U19952-2023-2024
Canterbury Christ Church University

E-waste is covered by which SDGs


Fundamental of Computer Systems: U19952-2023-2024
Canterbury Christ Church University


Fundamental of Computer Systems: U19952-2023-2024
Canterbury Christ Church University

Standards, Policies and Law


International Organization for Standardization

  • ISO 14001

    • Addresses various aspects of environmental management. It identifies and controls our environmental impact and helps constantly improve our environmental performance​
Fundamental of Computer Systems: U19952-2023-2024
Canterbury Christ Church University

Standards, Policies and Law


U​​K – Health and Safety Executive

  • Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Regulations 2013, the associated requirements for the recovery, reuse, recycling and treatment of WEEE.
Fundamental of Computer Systems: U19952-2023-2024
Canterbury Christ Church University

Linear Suppy Chain and Circular Economy Practices


Fundamental of Computer Systems: U19952-2023-2024
Canterbury Christ Church University

Ideal 100% Recycling


Fundamental of Computer Systems: U19952-2023-2024
Canterbury Christ Church University

What can you do?

- Any Ideas?

Fundamental of Computer Systems: U19952-2023-2024
Canterbury Christ Church University

What can you do?

  • Use your products for as long as possible. Repair it if you can.​
  • Choose products that are designed to enable a more circular model and can live multiple lives by being repaired, upgraded and refurbished.​
  • Consider if someone else might find the product useful when you no longer use it. Sell it ​​or donate to charity. How about upcycling? ​
  • Make sure the product is recycled in a safe and responsible way at the end of its usable life.​
Fundamental of Computer Systems: U19952-2023-2024
Canterbury Christ Church University

Restart Project

Fundamental of Computer Systems: U19952-2023-2024
Canterbury Christ Church University

Task & Discussion

  • Task-1: Discussion Board of Ethics and Computing Hardware:

    • Go to the module's Blackboard page/Week-2 to access Padlet page.

    • Or acess using this link (

  • Task-2: Start working on your assignment Part-1

Fundamental of Computer Systems: U19952-2023-2024